Made Beautiful: The True Story of Royal and Loyal Love

The birth of the universe set the stage for the history of the world in the drama of redemption, with God as its author, producer, and director. The carefully designed scenes reveal the genius, power, and goodness of their Maker, even as they reflect the curse provoked by the rebellion of their first inhabitants. And while Adam’s children enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and provision of good things, they dwell in deep spiritual darkness, the fruit of their apostasy.

In the fullness of time, however, the Light of the World pierced the gloom, taking center stage to rescue the object of His love. Disfigured and disgraced by sin, she was an unseemly and unsightly thing, an object of wrath, with nothing in her appearance, countenance or character to stir the affections of a holy God. Hopeless and helpless, she stood doomed to eternal death under the righteous judgment of her Creator. But that was about to change.

From a fountain of infinite goodness and mercy, overflowing with love for the unlovely, her noble Deliverer came with flesh to be broken and blood to be spilled to rescue His precious bride. He would meet her debt to love and obey her Maker with perfect fidelity, and pay to the full the penalty for her rebellion and adultery. Unlovely she would be made lovely, unworthy she would be made worthy, and naked she would be clothed in a regal gown of the Savior’s righteousness. As His bride she would radiate the beauty of His holiness, acquired for her at infinite cost that she might love and be loved, that she might adore Him who adored her from eternity.

As her Beloved left the earthly stage for a time to prepare their heavenly home, He sent the Pledge and Promise of His undying loyalty. The time passed quickly, and precious in His sight was the day her dying died and she arrived safely at her heavenly home. Fashioned and fit by the beauty of her Redeemer’s holiness, she was ready to take the hand of her Beloved. Hope stepped aside as the bride and Groom embraced to enjoy each other forever.

The old stage was replaced as the curtains parted to display the new, where holiness and happiness adorn every scene. Gone are the sun, moon and stars by the light of God’s glory. New are the unending encores of a bride and Groom enraptured in their mutual love and beauty. Filled to overflowing forever will be the joy of the bride by the sight and embrace of the infinite excellence of her Savior, Husband, and God.

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© 2016 Craig Biehl, author of God the Reason, The Box, The Infinite Merit of Christ, and Reading Religious Affections


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