January 2018

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 28): Distinguishing Sign Twelve: Gracious Affections Produce Christian Works (2)

In the previous article we saw that, despite failures and backsliding, true affection for Christ produces obedience to Scripture, diligence, and perseverance in love and service to Christ, even in the face of intense opposition. Edwards explains why by showing how the previous eleven signs of true religious affections generate Christian practice. The Indwelling Holy […]

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 28): Distinguishing Sign Twelve: Gracious Affections Produce Christian Works (2) Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 27): Distinguishing Sign Twelve: Gracious Affections Produce Christian Works (1)

We come to the final sign of a true work of God in the heart of a believer, what Edwards considers “the chief of all the signs of grace”—Christian practice. As the net effect, or that which flows from the preceding eleven distinguishing signs, a holy life constitutes the best evidence of true faith in

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 27): Distinguishing Sign Twelve: Gracious Affections Produce Christian Works (1) Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 26): Distinguishing Sign Eleven: True Affections Desire Growth, False Affections Rest Satisfied

The believer’s new sense and love of the beauty of God’s holiness produces a desire for more love to God, more regret that we do not love Him more, greater grief over sin, and more longing for personal holiness. Indeed, the more we grow in Christ, the more we seek to grow in Christ. The

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 26): Distinguishing Sign Eleven: True Affections Desire Growth, False Affections Rest Satisfied Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 25): Distinguishing Sign Ten: Gracious Affections Have a Beautiful Symmetry

Edwards begins the discussion of sign ten with the caveat that perfection awaits us in heaven, a truth that applies to every distinguishing sign. We have all carried into our new and transformed life in Christ a trainload of unholy baggage, including bad habits, wrong thinking, character weaknesses, etc. Nonetheless, the extraordinary change that comes

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 25): Distinguishing Sign Ten: Gracious Affections Have a Beautiful Symmetry Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 24): Distinguishing Sign Nine: Gracious Affections Soften the Heart

False affections, even those derived from a fear of God’s judgment for sin, ultimately harden the heart and dull the conscience, making them less sensitive to sin and its deserved condemnation. True affections have the opposite effect, increasing a fear and disgust of sin from a sense and love of the beauty of holiness. A

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 24): Distinguishing Sign Nine: Gracious Affections Soften the Heart Read More »