Presuppositions of Faith

Presuppositions of Faith (3 of 6): The Presumption of Omniscience

The simple question, “How do you know what you claim to know?” easily reveals unreasonable, blind-faith assumptions behind sophisticated arguments of atheism. Gracious use of this question provides the surest way to expose atheism as unreasonable and unscientific. Consider the following dialogue between Mr. C (Christian) and Mr. A (Atheist) [1] and notice how atheists

Presuppositions of Faith (3 of 6): The Presumption of Omniscience Read More »

Presuppositions of Faith (2 of 6): The Sweeping Claims of the Atheist

At first glance, the atheist’s claim that “God does not exist” appears to be little more than a simple statement about the reality of God. But, it is much more. To deny God’s existence makes significant claims about every aspect of reality. Concerning God, Man, and Everything in the Universe First, to say God does

Presuppositions of Faith (2 of 6): The Sweeping Claims of the Atheist Read More »

Presuppositions of Faith (1 of 6): Faith as the Basis of Reason

“The floodwaters of secular thought and liberal theology overwhelmed the Church because the leaders did not understand the importance of combating a false set of presuppositions.” —Francis Schaeffer, The God Who Is There Faithful Christians face opposition from some of the greatest minds in history, from experts in their field of study with advanced degrees

Presuppositions of Faith (1 of 6): Faith as the Basis of Reason Read More »