Craig Biehl

A Christmas Story

Once upon a time there was a beggar who lived in a shack. A beggar whose heart was so dark it could dull the glow of the brightest star in the heavens. He lived in Jerusalem. Perhaps you have heard of His splendor, His servants, His armies, gardens, and trees—every possible trapping and trinket to

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Vote for Your Neighbor

Directly or indirectly, the policies enacted by the elected officials of local, state, and federal governments affect every aspect of our earthly lives, and the lives of our neighbors. Thus, elections provide believers significant, God-given opportunities to love their neighbors on a large scale. Who, then, is our neighbor? Our neighbor works hard to provide

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Hey Creationist, Prove It!

Have you ever been asked by an evolutionist to prove your belief in Creationism? Have you ever been frustrated by the challenge? In a recent response to one of our videos someone confidently proclaimed that Creationism is refuted by two simple words: “prove it.” Done, slam dunk, end of argument. Should we tremble? Do we

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The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 25): Doctrinal Disproofs: Do Miracles Disprove God? (Part B)

Last time we critiqued three claims that miracles do not imply God as their source. We turn now to a fourth and counter-intuitive argument, namely, miracles, or “permanently inexplicable” violations of “natural law,” not only do not imply God as their agent, but give positive evidence that the Christian God does not exist. Asserting what

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The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 24): Doctrinal Disproofs: Do Miracles Disprove God? (Part A)

We continue our look at “doctrinal disproofs” of God with an analysis of a few interesting and unusual claims involving miracles. [1] Before presenting her own unique argument, the author briefly presents three claims that miracles do not necessarily imply God as their source. Viewing these as insufficient, she goes a step further and asserts

The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 24): Doctrinal Disproofs: Do Miracles Disprove God? (Part A) Read More »

The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 22): “Doctrinal Disproofs” (Part F)

As we continue our look at how human limitations render unreasonable the many arguments against God’s existence, we do well to remember that true wisdom begins with the “fear of the Lord” (Prov. 9:10), and admits its smallness and dependence on God for all things—including knowledge. The importance of grasping and applying this basic fact

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The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 21): “Doctrinal Disproofs” (Part E)

Last time we observed that a double-standard for the Creator and His creatures is entirely appropriate and necessary. God as perfect in knowledge and holiness knows every aspect of every case before His throne of justice and always judges in perfect righteousness. The source of all good and moral standards in the universe cannot pervert

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